daniel jackson

Daniel Jackson
Carroll Tomorrow

On March 31st, 2021 Daniel Jackson retired from his position as President and CEO of Carroll Tomorrow and the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce. (Carroll Tomorrow, created in 2001, is a public-private partnership focusing on economic and community development, workforce development and leadership development). Daniel worked with Carroll Tomorrow for almost 20 years and he also served as the Chamber President for 16 years.

Jackson’s previous experience includes 26 years in the men’s retail clothing industry as VP and partner in the popular men’s store, the Squire Shop, and 3 years with the Carroll Electric Membership Cooperative. During his retail career, Jackson served in many merchant leadership roles including five years as charter president of the Carrollton Mainstreet Program. Jackson was also a partner in Courtyard Square, the first Mainstreet Carrollton real estate redevelopment project and was co-owner of Baskin Robbins in Carrollton and Courtyard Cobbler, a shoe repair shop.

Jackson is a 1975 graduate of West Georgia College (University of West Georgia) with a BS in Business Administration. He attended Floyd Junior College (Highlands) from 1970-1972 as part of the inaugural class. He is a graduate of Leadership Georgia (’97) and the US Chamber Institute (IOM, ‘10). He also holds the designation of GCCE (Georgia Certified Chamber Executive, ‘14).  

Jackson serves as Chairman of the Tanner Health System Board of Directors and Chairman of the TMC East Board of Directors (Wedowee, Alabama Hospital). He also serves on the Carroll County College and Career Academy Board of Directors and the 澳门新普京注册 Richards College of Business Advisory Board. 

Daniel and his wife Carol moved to Carroll County as newlyweds in 1972 to complete his education at West Georgia College. Carol, a longtime elementary teacher, completed her teaching career as an adjunct reading instructor with West Georgia Technical College and 澳门新普京注册

Over the last 45 years, Jackson has served in many leadership positions in church, civic, youth, education, business, healthcare, and the non-profit community throughout Carroll County and Georgia.  
Daniel and Carol have two adult children, Russ (wife, Karen) and Katie Nalls (husband, Chris) and 7 grandchildren. Russ works for Chick-fil-A Corporate as a Director of Marketing, and daughter Katie and son-in-law Chris are IMB career missionaries currently living in Nairobi, Kenya. 

In retirement, Jackson is enjoying more family time, traveling, kayaking, fishing, volunteer activities, and occasionally, short term consulting projects.